Plastic: Reduced and Recycled

Plastic PCR...

Post-consumer plastics such as rPET, etc. have previously (in their “Virgin” state) been manufactured using fossil fuels. Recycling this material to manufacture a new component requires less consumption of fossil fuels and helps us keep plastic waste from ocean and land fills.

Before we figured out how to recycle and reuse plastic products, non-recycled material likely ended up as waste in the ocean and piled high in landfills. I’m not suggesting we’ve done away with that, but recycling, reusing and reducing the amount of plastic we use is what we need to do!

Plastic Reduction...

While using Plastic PCR is a step in the right direction. We continue to innovate, research and develop greener products in many areas. Plastic molding processes such as CBF are helping us decrease the amount of plastic in bottles as much as 24% without compromising performance barrier.


We are working on increasing the availability of renewably sourced plastics like BioPolymers and Compostables. As new materials are developed in various areas, NuGen is asking the tough questions surrounding safety, performance and barrier properties of these— materials. Of course, each brand needs to ensure product compatibility as well. It’s a process, and every process brings us a step closer to a greener environment. 

We all need to do our bit, so pick your area of concern and make progress!